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The Best Ergonomic Chairs to Upgrade Your Work from Home Situation

It seems like most of us may be working from home for a little while longer, or until 2021, with the way things are going. So it might just be time (or way overdue) to invest in some ergonomic items to improve your work from home situation.

While using a dining chair may have gotten you through the first five months of working from home, if your body is screaming with pain in the back and hips, the chair you are using is probably the biggest culprit. Upgrading your chair is the first ergonomic improvement I would suggest you make. Since your pelvis is the foundation of posture, and the rest of the spinal column stacks on top, a proper chair can definitely set you up for postural success.

That is why I’m dedicating this entire post to chair options. In addition to describing the perks of each chair below, I’ll also discuss who each chair would be good for. But if I may offer one bit of advice before diving into the world of chairs it’s this: the key to not building a compensatory posture is changing positions often. Variability in positions during your work day is what is going to keep your body from learning an improper posture. So try to keep that in mind if you notice yourself holding any one posture for too long.

And one more bit of advice (equally important), GET ADJUSTED! Yes, I’m a chiropractor, and clearly will preach the benefits of and recommend having your spine adjusted, to reset proper alignment. But truth is, while getting a proper chair may help you break bad postural habits while sitting, it will never “magically” undo all the prior damage you have done to your body. So if you are going to invest in a proper work chair, I highly recommend you also invest in your body, by seeing a professional. If you look in the mirror and notice one hip is higher than the other, one shoulder is higher or more rotated inward than the other, or your ears sit in front of your shoulders (instead of directly on top) you can definitely benefit from resetting your structural alignment.

With that said, let’s discuss some chair options. (All photo are linked to shop the item)


File this type of chair under the “looks can be deceiving” category. While it may look like an overpriced chair that belongs in a kids playroom this is the chair I recommend for the majority. Fun colors aside, this chair is more than fun and games. It legitimately relieves pressure from the low back, almost instantly. It may be hard to believe until you try it. In addition to working wonders on back pressure, this chair shape makes you ground your feet better, stabilizing and evening out the pelvis, and lessening the amount of flexion in your hips through the workday. The “ball” top of this chair also causes you to engage your core throughout the day (which is really the key to taking pressure off of your low back), and makes it difficult to get into the weird positions most you are probably putting yourselves into and holding for prolonged periods throughout the workday. You know, that position you know good-and-well is causing you pain, but you try to tell yourself it’s your “comfortable working position”. We both know that posture isn’t serving you well. This chair may just be your ticket out of that predicament. Not to mention the best part about buying something off Amazon is being able to take it for a test drive, see if it works for you, and know that the item is easily returnable if it doesn’t (just saying). Here’s another option.



If your body structure can best be described as tall, or long legged, this next chair is for you. I highly, highly, recommend that if you are tall you switch to a chair like this. While you don’t need to be tall to find this chair comfortable, it can be a great option for the general population, for those who are tall this type of chair is definitely the one I would recommend. And the taller you are the more you need this type chair in your life. Let me explain why. If you sit in a “regular” chair and find that your knees are above your hips, the angle at which your hips are bent is excessive, meaning you are overusing your hip flexors the entire workday. This will cause pain and tightness at the front of the hip when standing or cause a “pulling” in the lower back, and it’s not your fault!! Your legs are just too long for the conventional chair. While you may be okay using a dining chair to eat, where you can extend the feet out or lean back a little, a “regular” chair really isn’t conducive for sitting behind a desk all day. The design of this chair may look uncomfortable, especially if you are wondering to yourself why it doesn’t have a backrest. But the way it makes you sit up and pulls pressure off of your tailbone, you won’t even miss the back support, because it won’t be necessary. Most importantly the way this chair positions your lower extremities keeps your hips open a minimum of 120 degrees, meaning less chance for hip or low back pain. If you are not completely sold on the kneeling chair the next chair category is also a great option for taller individuals.



The saddle chair is the best option if you find yourself needing to roll around your work station. Making it a great option for professionals like dentists and estheticians.  The beauty in the design of the saddle chair is that it places your pelvis in a neutral position, which helps maintain the proper lumbar (lower back) curve, thereby relieving tension. This chair is another great option if you are tall, as the adjustable  seat height can easily accommodate longer legs.



Full disclosure, I haven’t tried this chair myself, but I’ve read (and heard) great reviews on it. So it’s not actually one chair but rather a brand of chairs, giving you lots to choose from and even customize. Herman Miller allows you to add customizations to your chair taking factors like height into account so the curves of the chair fit perfectly with the curves of your spine. Yes, it’s much more expensive than your average computer chair, but this is really an investment piece. I’ve also seen used/refurbished ones sold online at a discount. This chair has been gaining popularity with office executives and gamers (yes, you read that right, individuals spending countless hours playing video games at a computer) and that should say a lot. If this is the chosen chair for the two aforementioned groups, and is so highly raved about, it was a must for me to include it on this list. And one you should totally look into if you want a chair that actually resembles the classic computer chair.  And if you are someone who loves a classic but isn’t quite looking for the Rolls-Royce of chairs above, I’ll link some cheaper (but highly rated) classic computer chair options here, and here.




Get it? “Balling on a budget”? Since it’s an actual exercise ball, and cheaper than all the other options. If you are not ready to invest in an actual chair then this is a great option. Don’t get me wrong, if given a choice, I would recommend one of the first three chairs I listed, but this exercise ball scenario definitely has its perks. Its round shape makes it difficult for you to hold awkward postures, or lean more to one side than the other, since it will roll from under you. This ensures that you have to keep your feet planted and your core activated while using it, both of which are a positive. It’s also the only option that you can deflate and completely put away. Great for someone that may not work at home all the time. Or keep it inflated and use it for your at-home workouts. You can’t beat the convenience of dual purpose equipment that can take you from work to the gym.



While the last category isn’t an actual chair, I felt like this list wouldn’t be complete without including it, considering the ever growing popularity of the standing desk. Is standing all day automatically better? Well, NO. While it may seem “healthier” to stand instead of sit, your hip and pelvic alignment play a major role in whether standing is actually more beneficial in terms of posture. If you find yourself always leaning towards one hip over the other, it may not be so beneficial. The constant leaning towards one side will throw off your hip alignment and can even cause a leg length discrepancy. All of which will cause you lower back pain and tightness. In general, it’s a good idea to switch things up, juggle between sitting and standing during the day so your body doesn’t get use to any one position. I’ve listed a few accessories below to make standing at your desk a more ergonomic experience.

+ Sit/Stand Desk Stool

+Standing Desk Mat– Highly recommend this mat for keeping your hips even while standing. Make sure to alternate stepping forward with each foot an equal amount of time throughout the day.

+Balance Board Desk Mat– Great for someone that craves movement. Keeps the feet from getting fatigued and works your core and balance all at the same time. Best way to multitask during your workday.


Hope this article was helpful. Share your thoughts with me below.


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